Full Name
Christophe Nourissier
Job Title
Head of Sustainability & Carbon Credit project management
Augur Associates
Speaker Bio
Christophe Nourissier is a carbon credits project manager. He has been an observer and actor on carbon markets for the last 4 years, is Head of carbon mitigation projects for Augur Associates, a consultancy specialised in cannabis and hemp.
Together with Augue Associates they have issued and sold the first hempcrete-based carbon credits and are continuously working to expand the scope of carbon certification for the hemp sector.
A former green lobbyist and political advisor, Christophe shifted to ESG and sustainability consulting before joining Augur as an environmental expert and co-founding Augur ESG & Augur Hemp. He thrives in supporting innovative and green companies, creating sustainable business models and navigating the voluntary carbon market.
Christophe Nourissier