Manuela Borges

Manuela Borges
InformaCann Institute

My name is Manuela Borges. I am the founder of the InformaCann Institute, a non-profit organization, designed to develop scientific research, expand access to therapeutic treatment with Cannabis Sativa, promote education, continued training and establish government relations with the aim of normalizing and regulating the medicinal use of cannabinoids and the so-called industrial hemp – which has 25 thousand applications in industry. Without hierarchy, political ideology or religious ties, we defend science, medical autonomy, freedom and equal access between rich and poor in choosing and accessing therapeutic treatments based on the medicinal properties of Cannabis Sativa. We are a network that connects and brings together researchers, communicators, lawyers, health professionals, entrepreneurs and activists who defend access to information to break paradigms, myths and prejudices that prevent the democratization of treatment in a dignified and equal way.

Speaking at:

Hemp & Cannabis in Brazil