Clay Moore

Clay Moore
Texas A&M University
Phytochemical Researcher / Hemp Breeder

Delving into the intricate world of hemp, I've established myself as both a phytochemical researcher and a hemp breeder. My deep-rooted passion for the untapped potential of hemp, combined with my expertise in plant breeding, forms the backbone of my endeavors. This synergy of roles has not only equipped me with a profound understanding of hemp's genetic makeup but also its myriad phytochemical components. My contributions to the field are a testament to my dedication. I have pushed the boundaries of hemp research, earning recognition from prestigious institutions like Texas A&M and numerous peers in the industry. My rigorous phytochemical studies and development efforts have culminated in the creation of hemp cultivars that are uniquely suited to the southern U.S. While these strains adhere to stringent regulations, ensuring they contain less than 0.3% THC, they also boast a rich profile of non-psychoactive cannabinoids, making them highly sought after by both farmers and manufacturers. But my commitment extends beyond the realm of breeding and phytochemical research. As a vocal proponent of medical cannabis, I invest considerable time in championing its responsible use. I eagerly share my accumulated knowledge, collaborate with industry stalwarts, and engage in public outreach, all to shed light on the vast benefits of this versatile plant. Through relentless innovation and advocacy, I aspire to transform global perceptions about hemp, hoping to create a brighter, more sustainable future for all.

Speaking at:

Texas A&M Industrial Hemp Program