Morris Beegle

Morris Beegle

Morris Beegle is President of the We Are For Better Alternatives (WAFBA) family of brands. Spanning education, advocacy and entertainment, Beegle engages audiences around the world through podcasts, live events, virtual conferences and webinars, radio, and digital and print media. He is an entrepreneur, business owner, and respected industry thought leader. Under the WAFBA umbrella of brands, Beegle produces hemp-centric events including the NoCo Hemp Expo, the Southern Hemp Expo, and the Winter Hemp Summit. He also publishes the media platform and the recently launched platform. To round things out, Beegle has several hemp product brands including Silver Mountain Hemp Guitars, maker of hand-crafted hemp guitars, cabinets and components; Tree Free Hemp Paper and Printing; and One Planet Hemp, a merchandise line that includes apparel, posters and accessories. For more information, please visit

Speaking at:

Welcome to NoCo9 - Advocacy & Policy Conference
Major League Baseball & Charlotte’s Web CBD LIke A Pro, Stay Calm Under Pressure
Welcome to NoCo9 - Business and Investment Conference