Anndrea Hermann
The Ridge International Cannabis Consulting and HPS Food & Ingredients Inc.
Anndrea Hermann, M.Sc, B.GS, P.Ag., Director of Inside Sales HPS Food & Ingredients, Principal The Ridge International Cannabis Consulting, Founder HGrown Consulting Mexico, Owner Hemp Technologies Canada, Founder iHempRadio, Founding Instructor OSU WSE266 Course, Canada Hemp Licensee who has advised Industry for 21+ years. President Emeritus & board Hemp Industries Association and Vice President Emeritus Canadian Hemp Trade Alliance. In 2021, she co-founded the rural non-profit Gerhard E. Dekker Regenerative Education Center. She was the first woman inducted into the Hemp History Hall of Fame (2017), recipient of the Hemp Industries Association’s Lifetime Achievement Award (2018) and listed on Hemp History Week top 10 advocates (2019). Anndrea is recognized and revered as a true ambassador of the highest caliber. Presenting she has published two versions of “Everybody Loves Trallala” a children’s book about a little hempseeds journey.
Speaking at:
The Future of Hemp Building Material Innovations
Hemp Food Ingredients, Applications & Opportunities
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