Maciej Kowalski
Kombinat Konopny
Farmer, entrepreneur and activist – 15+ years experience with cannabis/hemp, pioneer of innovative cultivation and processing methods. CEO and founder (2019) of Kombinat Konopny – vertically integrated hemp company in Poland, focused on hemp straw processing for textile-grade fibre and “seed to shelf” manufacturing of cannabinoid-rich oil infusions. Apart from commercial activity, the company is strongly involved in a down-to-earth R&D on growing, harvesting and processing technology for all parts of the cannabis plant. Pioneered the equity crowdfunding financing model, successfully running record-beating share offering (https://hemptoday.net/polish-hemp-company-raises-e1-million-in-38-minutes-via-crowdfunding/). On the legal/political front strongly advocating open cannabis market with some significant successes on the “novel food” front: https://kombinatkonopny.pl/court-judgment-hemp-is-not-a-novel-food-it-can-be-used-in-food/ Previously CEO and founder (2014) of the 1st private Polish hemp company, later on sold to the listed Canadian holding (2018), as well as marijuana policy activist (2003-2014), including running for the MP and MEP, promoting legalisation of marijuana and its economical and fiscal effects; editor in chief (2006-2014) of cannabis related newspaper Spliff.
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