Mariana Larrea
Grupo Libera
Directora De Santuario Uh May
Mariana Larrea, is a Mexican Lifesciences, Cannabis, and Protection Consumer attorney. She has been involved, in the Cannabis industry since 2016, when the regulation started. Nowadays, she is the executive director of Santuario Uh May, the first Hemp living community in México. Santuario Uh May, is the perfect example for the goverment to understand the need of the Hemp industry in México, as well as, an excelent via tu educate about Hemp and its benefits in the construction and real state área. Santuario Uh May is oppening doors to all the industrial hemp producers, brands, and diferent technologies, to come into the Mexican market. I have solid experience in the life sciences and health care area. My practice and experience is focused on providing legal advice and assistance to national and multinational companies, both private and public, regarding the analysis and research of Cannabis, Alcoholic Beverages, Health Inputs, Food, Health Risks, Establishments, Toxic and Dangerous Substances, and Advertisement of such products and services. My experience: As per the recent changes in the Mexican legislation regarding Cannabis, I have developed an expertise practice sub-area within the Life & Sciences area, studying and elaborating updates for clients regarding the Cannabis regularization in Mexico, the decisions of the Supreme Court, the Amparo law-suits submitted by particulars for the recreational use or by companies for the industrial use, and other different updates in the Cannabis industry. My expertise in the Cannabis field leads me to be invited as speakers to Cannabis legal conferences. I also contribute to the incorporation of different entities whose corporate purpose is related to Cannabis and its distribution in Mexico. I have been advising national and international clients interested in the Cannabis business. Other practices: Legal advisor in the preparation, review, and negotiation of different types of commercial, pharmaceutical, regulatory, and business agreements, including goods agreements, services agreements, warehousing, distribution and supply agreements, bioequivalence studies agreements, pharmacokinetics studies agreements. Advice foreign and domestic companies on Pharmaceutical and Regulatory Law regarding administrative procedures submitted before the Federal Commission Against Sanitary Risks (COFEPRIS for short): Marketing Authorizations, Sanitary Licences, Permissions, Advertisement Authorizations, Operation Notices, Sanitary Registries, formal consultations, Sanitary Complaints, related to Cannabis products, drugs, medical devices, food, cosmetic products, alcoholic beverages, toxic substances, additives, transportation and Mexican Official Standards. Advise foreign and domestic companies on Intellectual Property, regarding issues related to trademarks, commercial advertisements, slogans, licenses, non-disclosure agreements. Advise foreign and domestic companies on Consumer Protection, regarding administrative procedures submitted before the Office of the Federal Prosecutor for the Consumer (PROFECO for short), regarding issues related to consumer advertisement, adhesion agreements, commercial information analysis, Mexican Official Standards.
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Like it or not, ESG is not going anywhere. And Hemp can lead the way.
Mexico & Latin America Legal Update