Sean Murphy
Sean is the founder of Kompassion, a palliative care business focused on quality of life and advocating that his child, Atlas, have access to cannabinoids as a neuroprotectant. To date, Children\'s Hospital Colorado, the Colorado Court system, and Atlas\'s mother have all denied Atlas access to cannabinoids even though Atlas has a rare terminal brain disease with seizures and expert physicians agree Atlas would benefit from cannabinoids. Before becoming a palliative parent fighting for his child\'s life, Sean was a recognized thought leader and champion of hemp and widely recognized industry speaker. He has spoken about hemp at such venues including the White House, Congress, the Vatican, ExpoWest, COP21, NoCo Hemp Expo, CannaTech, Israel Dealmakers Summit, Science of Medical Cannabis, HIA Conference and many more. He is a Knight in the Order of Malta, a U.S. State Department Professional Fellow and former White House Business Council delegate on international trade. He received a BA from the University of Notre Dame in Theology and Psychology and studied entrepreneurship at the Mendoza College of Business. In his spare time, Sean is a hospice volunteer with the Twilight Brigade. He has received Congressional recognition for his service at the bedside of veterans in the Department of Veteran\'s Administration.
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