Courtney Moran
Earth Law LLC
Founding Principal
Courtney N. Moran, LL.M. founding principal of EARTH Law, LLC and chief legislative strategist for Agricultural Hemp Solutions, LLC expertly champions legal policy for hemp agribusiness development. Courtney’s passion and her forward-thinking leadership have carved pathways making hemp an accessible agricultural commodity. She litigated the landmark case KaB, LLC v USPIS, MLB 18-39 (2018) establishing precedent for the shipment of hemp through the US Postal Service. Courtney played a key role in drafting and negotiating the language included in the 2018 Farm Bill federally legalizing hemp. Her extensive knowledge of Hemp Law continues to position her clients at an advantage in the marketplace.
Speaking at:
"Let It Grow:” Right-Sizing the Definition, Testing and Certification of Hemp for All Its Purposes